Its goal isn't to please everyone; its primary mission is to achieve set business objectives.
Implemented projects
Packaging design projects
Logo and Identity
Creating a visual image of the brand that reflects the main business idea.
Business immersion
Market research
Analysis of target audience, competitors
Study of trends and tendencies
Preparing presentations on directions
Concept development
Detailing the corporate style
Preparing print files
Coordination and collaboration with partners
Preparing guidelines
Graphic design of the product aimed at creating a certain brand image and attracting consumer attention.
Diving into the project
Market research
Analysis of target audience, competitors
Analysis of trends and tendencies
Preparing presentations on directions
Concept development
Preparing test samples
Preparing print files
Coordination and collaboration with partners
Color design
All branding elements across all communication channels - from fonts to the scents in stores, should reflect the words and meanings outlined in the brand strategy.
Strategy is the foundation
We assist in implementing branding not only for consumers but also within the company – how to use it, how to make it understandable, and easily applicable for employees and partners.
When developing branding, we consider how it will be consistently implemented and skillfully evolved over many years, preserving the foundation that was set in it.